An intensive online course for new parents, intending parents and engaged couples

When preparing for marriage, many people invest time in reading books, attending seminars, and gathering resources on love languages, loving their spouses, and building a strong intimate life. However, what often gets overlooked is the essential aspect of godly parenting, which catches most people unaware.

Godly parenting is one of the primary purposes for which God instituted marriage. Therefore, it is crucial to begin preparing for this significant responsibility alongside preparing for marriage.

That’s why this course has been thoughtfully created to offer knowledge, information, and guidance to new parents, intending parents, and engaged couples on how to raise godly children.

Drawing from the valuable resources of the Parenting for Faith course and Raising Faith course by Care for the Family, this comprehensive program equips participants with the essential skills and insights to nurture children with a strong foundation in faith.

By enrolling in this course, you will gain the tools and understanding needed to embark on the journey of godly parenting confidently. Whether you are expecting your first child or planning to have kids in the future, this course is designed to help you navigate the challenges and joys of raising children who grow up to be godly, virtuous, and spiritually rooted individuals.

Join us in this enriching experience as we embark on the rewarding path of godly parenting together. Let’s create a generation that embraces faith, love, and purpose, shaping them to be beacons of light in a world that needs them.

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