Welcome to my blog. Today, I’m excited to delve into the topic of creating window opportunities and intentional moments for our children to learn about God. Let’s jump right in!

Understanding Window Opportunities

Window opportunities are those intentionally crafted moments for our children to learn something meaningful. They don’t just happen by chance; we create them. In our journey as parents, it’s crucial to intentionally create these moments for our children to grow in their faith.


One of the most important window opportunities is prayer. Our children need to witness us in communion with God. As Christian parents, we often pray, but do our children see us? We must sometimes schedule our personal prayer time when they’re awake so they can observe and learn from us. For instance, there was a season when I adjusted my prayer time to coincide with my children’s awake hours, allowing them to see the importance of spending time with God.

Reading the Bible

Another crucial window opportunity is reading the Bible. Our children should see us engaging with God’s Word regularly. We need to demonstrate how we study and meditate on Scripture. Just like with prayer, we should adjust our study times to when our children are around, so they can observe and learn from our example.


Our children need to witness our generosity and compassion towards others. Whether it’s giving in church, donating to those in need, or helping those around us, we should intentionally involve our children in these acts of kindness. For instance, I recently realized that my children had never seen me give in church because I usually donate online. So, I explained the importance of giving and pledged to involve her more in these acts of generosity.

Interceding for Others

Intercession is another vital window opportunity. Our children should hear us praying for others, calling out names, and interceding for various needs. We can invite them into our prayer room and let them hear how we intercede for people and situations.


Additionally, we must create opportunities for evangelism. Our children should witness us boldly sharing the gospel with others. Whether it’s through preaching, handing out tracts, or engaging in evangelistic outreaches, we should involve our children in spreading the good news of Jesus.

Connecting Anytime, Anywhere: Prayer and Worship

Finally, let’s not overlook the opportunity to pray and worship while doing everyday activities, like taking a walk. I often pray in tongues or worship while walking with my daughter, showing her that we can connect with God anywhere, anytime.

These are just a few examples of how we can intentionally create window opportunities for our children to learn about God. I hope you found this post helpful. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments below and stay tuned for more content. God bless you.

Thanks for reading, and until next time! Bye!

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