Just like you teach your kids every other thing, you need to teach them the Christian faith. You don’t just assume that they will know the Christian faith because they were born into a Christian family. They have to be consciously taught. The way you are intentional about your child learning to swim, learning to play a musical instrument, or learning to code, is the same way you should be intentional in ingraining the culture of faith in your kids. One of the worst things that can happen to a Christian parent is to raise unbelieving children. Of course, I know that there are still parents who did all they should do, but the children eventually turned non-believers, all the same, this should not deter you from doing your assignment and trusting the Lord for perfection.

the culture of faith

How then do you ingrain the culture of faith in your beloved children?

1. Teaching them the Bible

Firstly, note that the responsibility of raising godly kids is yours as a parent. Others can support but it’s primarily your assignment. The Bible is the number one place where kids get to learn about the Christian faith. You need to consciously teach your children the bible. You can teach them the bible by telling them Bible stories, showing them videos of Bible stories, helping them to learn and recite Bible verses, teaching them biblical confessions and affirmations, and relating Biblical lessons to their everyday life. The goal is to make them know that the Bible is God’s word and our life manual as Christians. Also, don’t forget to buy a bible for them. Please click on this link for some nice Youtube bible stories. You can also check my book store and my Amazon store to purchase a scriptural confession book for kids.

2. Family devotions

The culture of family devotion in the house is very important. It’s an opportunity to pray together, sing together, worship God together, talk about God as a family, and also teach your children about God. The culture of family devotion in the house shows the kids that God is a priority in the home. It also creates an avenue where kids can be taught, share, and grow.

3. Praying with them

Pray with them when they want to sleep, wake up, eat, go out, or come in. At every opportunity, let them know that there is a father that hears and cares. Speak about God being the source of all things. Let your whole life as an individual and as a family revolve around God. Pray for everything and about everything with them. Help them to recognize God as their source.

4. Be an example

Be an example of all that the Christian faith entails. Be an example of a praying parent, a parent that reads the bible, and a loving parent, to them and to people outside. Don’t just say it, do it. It’s easier for children to do what you do than to do what you say. Be intentional about this. Let them see you engage in Christian disciplines. It might mean buying a hard copy bible instead of using your phone. It might also mean praying at the time of the day when they are there.

5. Prioritise going to church or fellowshipping with other believers.

Be a member of a local church. If possible, serve in that church. Be excited about meeting with other believers. Be active, not passive. Talk highly of ‘church’. Look forward to church meetings. Pray for ‘church’. Let your children see that you are fully persuaded of what you believe. Involve your children in children’s church and let them engage in activities.

6. Celebrate Christian festive seasons.

Another way to ingrain the culture of faith in your kids is to celebrate Christian festive seasons like Christmas and Easter. It’s an opportunity to explain to them the reasons for this season. To celebrate it means that you identify with and value the importance of what is being portrayed by the season. It also means at those times, you renew the consciousness of the birth and death of Jesus in your home.

7. Listen to edifying contents

What you listen to in the home matters a lot. Listen to Christian messages and scriptural confessions that would build the family up. Pay attention to the type of movies that you watch. Also, be intentional about the type of music that you listen to or watch. You can’t be listening to music that doesn’t represent or covey God’s kingdom principles while teaching your kids otherwise. They have to go hand in hand. Let your home atmosphere be saturated with contents that are edifying. Please click this link to download scriptural audio confessions for kids.

8. Speak the right words

There is a way to speak in the kingdom. Don’t betray the kingdom by speaking the opposite of how God’s kingdom people should speak. No use of curses and foul words. Only speak edifying and encouraging words. I tell you, you will be tempted, but don’t give in. If you ever find yourself speaking unwholesome words, it means that you have to get the right word inside you.

9. Uphold Christian values

Let your home be a place where Christian principles and values reside. Tell them about the values that matter in your home, such as honesty, integrity, love, modesty, joy, peace, etc. Also, let them see you practice all of these principles with them and with people outside as well.

10. Share Testimonies

Let your kids know of your walk with God. Share with them the encounters you have had with God. Don’t reserve it for your followers outside. Your children are your first ‘mentees’. Let them know about your testimonies of God’s faithfulness. Arouse in them a passion for God. Let them come face to face with your faith.

To conclude, I will share with you my favorite scripture on this matter and I believe that it will bless you so much.

Deuteronomy 6:4-9 New International Version

Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.

God bless you. Please feel free to share your thoughts.