
As parents, we cherish the precious moments spent nurturing and guiding our children through their formative years. However, there will inevitably come a time when they spread their wings and leave home, embarking on new adventures such as college, Bible school, marriage, or other life pursuits. During this significant transition, aside from material provisions, there are physical and spiritual tools we should pass down to our children. These tangible items serve as invaluable anchors, reminding them of their faith and empowering them to navigate life’s journey with a deep connection to their spirituality. In this article, we will explore the importance of equipping our children with physical spiritual tools, ensuring that they carry the essence of their faith wherever life may lead them.

1. The Prophetic Journal: Scripting their destiny

A prophetic journal is a priceless treasure we can craft for each of our children. In this journal, we write down everything we know about them, both from observation and through the leading of the Holy Spirit. It becomes a spiritual roadmap, encompassing divine revelations, personal insights, and even scriptures that birthed their purpose. This prophetic journal will be a guiding light for them, helping them understand their identity, life purpose, and the unique calling God has placed upon their lives.

Personal Anecdote: Recently, I went through my daughter’s prophetic journal and I was just so blessed with everything I wrote and I was also grateful to God that I had been writing down everything that God tells me about her.

Practical Tip: To create a prophetic journal, set aside quiet moments to reflect on your child’s character, talents, and potential. Write down your observations and seek guidance through prayer, consider noting their character traits, talents, and even small moments that reveal their interests. Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance in uncovering the purpose God has for them. Look for patterns in their behavior and dreams. These observations, when combined with prayer, can lead to divine revelations about their path. Over time, this journal will become a treasured gift for them to carry on their life journey.

2. Prayer Journal: A Testament of God’s Faithfulness

Another precious tool we can hand over to our children is a prayer journal. Throughout their lives, we have faithfully prayed for them, interceding on their behalf. By documenting these prayers in a journal, we provide tangible evidence of God’s faithfulness and His answered prayers in their lives. This journal will serve as a source of comfort during challenging times, reminding them of the power of prayer and God’s unwavering love for them.

Personal Anecdote: I have a praying mom. During my growing up years with her, I witnesses her pray for me and speak words over me. Today, I see the manifestations of all that she prayed for me, and that has really strengthened my faith in God. I wished she wrote her prayers down and that is why I started to journal all of my children’s journal so they can always have something to fall back to.

Practical Tip: Begin a prayer journal by dedicating a notebook to jot down your prayers for your children. Date each entry and include specific requests, grateful moments, and scriptures. Over time, they will witness God’s providence and constant presence.

3. Personalized Scriptures for them

Inscribe personalized scriptures for each of your children, ones that capture the essence of their destiny and identity in Christ. These personalized verses will become powerful declarations of truth that they can carry with them always. As they meditate on these scriptures, they will find strength, courage, and affirmation in God’s promises for their lives.

Personal Anecdote: I have scriptures that speak to each of my children’s existence and purpose and that I just feel are connected with them. I plan to compile these scriptures in a creative way that can be presented to my children.

Practical Tip: Choose scriptures that resonate with your child’s journey, and research scriptures that align with their characteristics and aspirations. For instance, if your child has a gift of leadership, find verses that speak to leadership qualities. Websites and books that provide categorized scriptures can be helpful resources. Compile these scriptures in a creative way – a framed print, a bookmark, or even a digital screensaver. Encourage them to meditate on these verses daily to fuel their faith.

4. Family Traditions and Celebrations

Incorporate spiritual traditions and celebrations into your family life. These sacred practices help instill a sense of belonging and spiritual heritage in your children. Whether it’s a daily family devotion, celebrating significant spiritual milestones, or commemorating God’s faithfulness through feasts and festivals, these traditions create a bond that transcends generations.

Personal Anecdote:
In my home, family devotions have really strengthened their unity. “Gathering every evening to read the Bible, share insights, and pray together have deepened our connection with God and each other. It’s a tradition I hope my children will carry into their own families.

Practical Tip: Start small with regular family devotions, discussions on Bible stories, and shared prayers. Establish traditions for special occasions like birthdays and holidays that are centered around faith, creating lasting memories rooted in spirituality.

5. Life Lessons and Testimonies

Share your own life lessons and testimonies with your children. Openly discuss the challenges you faced, the victories you achieved, and the times when God intervened in your life. These personal stories become powerful teaching moments, offering valuable insights and wisdom that will guide them on their journey.

Personal Anecdote: Recently, I shared some of my recent testimonies with my children and it really lifted up their spirits and helped them to see how practically God answers prayers.

Practical Tip: Create a safe space for open conversations about life experiences. Be vulnerable about your journey, emphasizing the lessons learned and the role of faith in overcoming obstacles. Encourage your children to share their thoughts and questions as well.


As parents, our influence extends far beyond the material provisions we give our children. We have the opportunity to pass down physical spiritual tools that will shape their destiny and empower them to walk in their God-given purpose. The prophetic journal will be a roadmap of divine revelations, the prayer journal a testament to God’s faithfulness, and the personalized scriptures declarations of truth. Additionally, family traditions, life lessons, and testimonies will create a spiritual heritage that anchors them in their faith.

With these eternal tools in their possession, our children will be equipped to navigate life with confidence, knowing they are loved, chosen, and destined for greatness in Christ. Let us embrace this sacred responsibility with joy and intentionality, passing down these physical spiritual tools that will forever impact their lives and draw them closer to the heart of God.

I would love to hear your experiences and suggestions for equipping children with physical spiritual tools. Please share your thoughts in the comments below and join the conversation on nurturing the next generation’s faith journey.