
Teachable moments are precious opportunities we, as parents, can seize to instill important life and biblical lessons in our children. These moments can arise spontaneously from the simple happenings of life, such as a dropped pen, a visit to the park, or conflicts between siblings. These subtle yet powerful moments, when recognized, possess the incredible ability to effectively communicate significant truths. From personal experience, I have come to realize that life lessons sink much deeper into my children’s hearts and resonate with them better when they are conveyed through teachable moments. One such moment occurred during a visit to the park with my children, where a simple encounter taught us a profound lesson about our connection with God.

The Power of Teachable Moments

Teachable moments possess a remarkable power that goes beyond ordinary lessons:

  1. Spontaneity and Relevance: Unlike structured lessons, teachable moments emerge organically, catching our children’s attention and curiosity. This spontaneity and relevance to real-life situations make the learning experience more engaging and meaningful.
  2. Deeper Understanding: Teachable moments offer an emotional connection to the experience, enhancing children’s understanding and retention of the lessons taught. By relating concepts to their own lives, children are more likely to grasp the deeper meaning behind the teachings.
  3. Character Building: As parents, we often seek to instill values and virtues in our children. Teachable moments provide an opportune platform to teach kindness, respect, resilience, empathy, and other essential qualities. Children can learn about these values in the context of real situations, making it easier for them to internalize and practice them.

Identifying Teachable Moments

Teachable moments are all around us, often hiding in plain sight, waiting to be maximized. By being intentional and on the lookout for these moments, we can uncover their amazing power to shape our children’s understanding. Here are common ways to identify teachable moments:

  1. Everyday Life: Pay attention to your daily routines and interactions with your children. Simple tasks and activities, such as cooking together, grocery shopping, or doing household chores, can often present valuable teaching opportunities.
  2. Media Consumption: Engage with your children while watching movies, reading books, or exploring online content. Use these moments to discuss the themes, characters, and moral dilemmas portrayed, encouraging critical thinking and ethical reasoning.
  3. Outdoor Exploration: Nature provides a wealth of teachable moments. During walks, hikes, or outdoor adventures, discuss the wonders of the world, God as the creator, environmental stewardship, and the beauty of creation. Use nature as a backdrop to teach valuable lessons about the environment and our responsibility as caretakers of the planet.
  4. Family Conversations: Meaningful discussions during family meals or gatherings can also lead to teachable moments. Encourage open communication and allow your children to express their thoughts, feelings, and opinions freely.
  5. Sibling Conflicts: Instead of seeing sibling disagreements as negative, view them as opportunities to teach conflict resolution, empathy, and understanding.
  6. Car Time Conversations: Make the most of your time in the car by engaging in meaningful discussions that explore your children’s thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

Embracing Teachable Moments for Lifelong Learning

To truly embrace the power of teachable moments and foster lifelong learning in our children, consider the following strategies:

  1. Be Present: Make the most of teachable moments by being fully present in your interactions with your children. Engage in active listening and pay attention to their cues. This will show them that you value their thoughts and experiences.
  2. Ask Thoughtful Questions: Encourage critical thinking by asking open-ended questions during teachable moments. Instead of providing all the answers, allow your children to explore solutions and arrive at their conclusions. This fosters independent thinking and problem-solving skills.
  3. Lead by Example: Demonstrate the values and principles you wish to impart. Children often learn best by observing the actions of their parents and caregivers. Be a positive role model for integrity, kindness, and empathy.
  4. Encourage Curiosity: Nourish your children’s curiosity by encouraging them to ask questions and seek answers. When they show interest in a particular topic, use it as an opportunity to dive deeper into the subject matter and explore it together.
  5. Record Memories: Create a journal or digital album to document teachable moments and the valuable lessons learned. Reflecting on these moments together can reinforce their impact and serve as a source of inspiration for future growth.

Creating Your Own Teachable Moments

In addition to recognizing existing teachable moments, parents can actively create their own. One inspiring example I encountered was when a friend’s husband hung a plant on the door to illustrate the importance of staying connected to God, the source of life. This tangible demonstration enabled their children to grasp this spiritual truth in a relatable way. Furthermore, role-playing and storytelling with children can be a powerful method to create teachable moments, allowing you to address different scenarios and foster their problem-solving skills.


Teachable moments are treasures within our daily lives, waiting to be discovered and cherished. By being intentional and proactive in recognizing these opportunities, we can effectively impart wisdom, values, and spiritual truths to our children in engaging and relatable ways. Through teachable moments, we cultivate a deeper bond with our children, nurturing their emotional, intellectual, and spiritual growth.

Embrace these powerful moments with open arms, for they have the potential to shape your children’s character and values in profound and lasting ways. Remember, teachable moments are everywhere, eager to be found and embraced by mindful and purposeful parents like you. So, embark on this fulfilling journey of intentional parenting, and watch as your children flourish with newfound wisdom and understanding.